Any orders that contain an item that is restricted in your state or locality will either be cancelled and refunded or we will contact you to see if you would like to substitute a product that is legal for you to own.

  • California Magazine Restrictions: 10 round maximum magazine capacity. LEO (Law Enforcement Officer) exempt from this capacity restriction, military personnel are not exempt.
  • Colorado Magazine Restrictions: 15 round maximum magazine capacity. After July 1, 2013, magazines holding more than 15 rounds may not be possessed, transferred or sold unless they were lawfully obtained prior to July 1, 2013. Firearms with a tubular magazine and are either chambered in 22 rimfire or are lever action rifles are exempt from this capacity limit. In the city of Boulder, CO, there is a ban on magazines holding more than 10 rounds for rifles and 15 rounds for handguns.
  • Connecticut Magazine Restrictions: 10 round maximum magazine capacity. Magazines holding more than 10 rounds are considered Large Capacity Magazines (LCM) and can only be possessed regardless of the purchase date unless the magazine(s) was registered with the DESPP prior to January 1, 2014. Legal LCM magazines may not load these magazines with more than 10 rounds unless they are at a licensed shooting range or are inside their own home.
  • Delaware Magazine Restrictions: 17 round maximum magazine capacity. .22 caliber tubular magazines are exempt from this ban as are active and retired law enforcement, members of the U.S. Military, and concealed-carry permit holders.
  • District of Columbia Magazine Restrictions: 10 round maximum magazine capacity. Unfortunately, we cannot ship magazines within the District of Columbia.
  • Illinois Magazine Restrictions: 10 round maximum magazine capacity for long guns and 15 round magazine capacity for handguns. We cannot ship magazines in Cook County and/or the City of Chicago.
  • Maryland Magazine Restrictions: 10 round maximum magazine capacity.
  • Massachusetts Magazine Restrictions: 10 round maximum magazine capacity.
  • New Jersey Magazine Restrictions: 10 round maximum magazine capacity for pistols and rifles. 6 round capacity limit for semi-automatic shotguns. Tubular fed fixed magazines chambered in .22 are exempt.
  • New York Magazine Restrictions: 10 round maximum magazine capacity.
  • Ohio Magazine Restrictions: City of Columbus – magazines cannot hold 30 or more rounds. There are no other restrictions in the State of Ohio.
  • Rhode Island Magazine Restrictions: 10 round maximum magazine capacity.
  • Vermont Magazine Restrictions: 10 round maximum magazine capacity for rifles and 15 round maximum magazine capacity of handguns.
  • Washington Magazine Restrictions: 10 round maximum magazine capacity.

Law enforcement officers are exempt in almost every state and locality from these magazine restrictions.

Please Note: Legislation regulating magazines, ammunition, firearms, etc. change on a regular basis. This data is accurate as of this writing to the best of our knowledge. We are not attorney’s, it is your responsibility to understand your state and local laws prior to ordering.